Sources for RBI Grade B

The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) is the central bank of India and is responsible for the country’s monetary policy, currency management, and overall economic stability. The RBI Grade B exam is a highly competitive and sought-after exam for individuals looking to join the prestigious organization. Aspirants of this exam need to have a thorough understanding of economic and social issues, as these are crucial topics in the exam.

Sources for RBI Grade B

In this blog post, we will discuss the various sources that can help you prepare for the economic and social issues section of the RBI Grade B exam.

RBI’s official website

The first and most important source for preparing for the economic and social issues section is the official website of the RBI. The website contains all the latest updates and notifications related to the exam, along with detailed information about the economic and social issues that are likely to be asked in the exam. Aspirants can also refer to the various reports and publications released by the RBI, such as the Annual Report, Monetary Policy Report, and Financial Stability Report, to gain a deeper understanding of the topics.

Economic and social newspapers and magazines

Newspapers and magazines are an excellent source of information for current economic and social issues. Aspirants can refer to newspapers like The Hindu, The Economic Times, and Business Standard, which provide in-depth coverage of economic and social issues. Magazines like Yojana, Kurukshetra, and Frontline are also helpful in understanding the various dimensions of these issues. Reading these publications regularly will not only help in preparing for the exam but also keep you updated with the latest happenings in the economic and social landscape of the country.

Government reports and publications

The Government of India releases various reports and publications related to economic and social issues, which can be a valuable source of information for the RBI Grade B exam. Reports like the Economic Survey, Union Budget, and NITI Aayog’s publications provide insights into the government’s policies and initiatives related to the economy and society. Aspirants should make it a habit to read these reports and analyze the data and statistics mentioned in them.

Online resources

In today’s digital age, there is a plethora of online resources available for preparing for competitive exams like RBI Grade B. Aspirants can refer to websites like Investopedia, Economic Times, and LiveMint for understanding complex economic concepts and staying updated with the latest economic news. Online platforms like YouTube also have channels dedicated to economics and current affairs, which can be beneficial for aspirants.

For FM you can refer to some of the popular websites in this category are Investopedia, Bloomberg, and Financial Times. These websites also have dedicated sections for RBI-related news and updates, making them a valuable source for preparing for the finance and management paper. For Management, you can refer to our blogs and videos.

Previous year question papers and mock tests

One of the most effective ways to prepare for any exam is by solving previous year question papers and taking mock tests. Aspirants can get an idea of the type of questions asked in the exam and also assess their preparation level by solving these papers. Many coaching institutes and online platforms provide mock tests specifically designed for the RBI Grade B exam, which can help in improving time management and accuracy.

Reference books

There are several books available in the market that cover the finance and management syllabus of RBI Grade B phase 2.

These books are written by experts in the field and provide a comprehensive understanding of the topics. Some popular books for this paper are ‘Indian Economy’ by Ramesh Singh, ‘Principles and Practices of Banking’ by Macmillan Publishers, and ‘Management’ by Philip Kotler. These books can be a valuable source for building a strong foundation in finance and management concepts.


  1. Limit your sources
  2. Revise multiple times
  3. Update regularly with the current affairs

The ESI section of the RBI Grade B exam requires a thorough understanding of the current economic and social landscape of the country. Aspirants should make use of the various sources mentioned above to prepare for this section and stay updated with the latest developments in the economy and society. With dedication and consistent efforts, one can ace this section and increase their chances of cracking the RBI Grade B exam.

Sources for RBI Grade B

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